Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Pick

Cardinals 17, Steelers 16.

MVP: Steve Breaston, Cardinals.

You know it.

UPDATE: Kyle's prediction - Steelers 20, Cardinals 13

However, I would prefer it if Kavi was right. Go Cardinals!

By the way Bryan, they are the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals.


Mr. Endres said...

I am one of the few, the proud, the people who couldn't give a damn about the Superbowl. Hoo-ah!

Seriously, though, I can't even think of what states the Steelers or Cardinals are from off the top of my head...

Kavi Pandey said...

Even if you don't care about football you have to watch the game. There's going to be the world premieres of trailers for Transformers 2, G.I. Joe, Land of the Lost, and other sweet movies. I'll have reviews of those trailers up tonight.

Atom said...

Trailers looked amazing. I missed the G.I. Joe one though. I'll have to YouTube it. Commercials were pretty decent, I liked the Doritos with the snowglobe or w/e it was. Either way: Guy got hit in wee-wee, yay make funny laugh.

Krym de la Krym said...

G.I. Joe was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

That was an amazingly fun game. So much screaming. I think I hurt my throat.

Anonymous said...

stever Breaston for MVP, what a suprise Kavi

Kavi Pandey said...

Hey Breaston had a great game.

And the game was pretty lame except for the fourth quarter, where there was great amounts of screaming and fun.

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