Monday, February 23, 2009

This is a Good Day

How did Slumdog Millionaire win best picture?

A. The director was a genius.
B. Somewhere, someone cheated.
C. Pure luck.
D. Kavi predicted it.

Answer: It was simply an amazing film.

It seemed obvious to me that Slumdog Millionaire would be the winner, but still what a spectacular moment.

It made me think of the movies that have won Best Picture in the recent past. They just don't seem as good in comparison. Crash? The Departed? Chicago? They really don't have anything on Slumdog. I like them and own all three, but they don't seem worthy of given such a label as "Best Picture." Slumdog Millionaire does.

That smile is priceless. Have a great day.


Mr. Endres said...

The Departed still tops Slumdog Millionare, and probably always will. And for good reason.

Mr. Endres said...

Oh, and I must request that you change the poll to include Woodrow Wilson, who is hands down the worst President of all time. You also completely forgot Warren G. Harding, who comes in a close second. That is all.

Kavi Pandey said...

Bryan, I will fight you.

Mr. Endres said...

That would be interesting, seeing you come all the way up here just to fight with me...

And I'm not saying Slumdog Millionaire is a bad movie, it just doesn't top The Departed. And it certainly doesn't top the movies that are better then that, such as Being There or Fight Club.

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