Sunday, March 15, 2009

Actually...That Was Pretty Intense

Kavi wrote here and here of the ongoing/upcoming battle between Jon Stewart - the host of the Daily Show on Comedy Central - and Jim Cramer - the host of Mad Money on CNBC. Well, the final moment arrived, as Stewart interviewed Cramer.

And it was an epic battle of loon number one:

Versus loon number two:

And without further ado, here is the third uncensored/uncut part of the interview. Warning: Stewart drops the f-bomb a couple times.

Did I say battle? That was a massacre. Poor Cramer. Stewart was legitimately ticked off at CNBC. Stewart has been known to rip people apart before. Nobody does it better.

Favorite moment? Joe Scarborough, I now dib thee..."Doucheborough"

Have a good day!


the frish said...

man, jon stewart let him have it. i honestly felt sympathy for cramer. i mean, he's a brave guy - going on the show of one of the wittiest political comedians of our time who is genuinely pissed. i'd be scared. i think cramer handled it pretty well...

Kavi Pandey said...

This is completely unlike Cramer. He's usually loud and dominating. But I agree that it did take a lot of cajones to come on Stewart's turf. I wonder what would happen if Stewart went on his show...

Krym de la Krym said...

Well, we know what happened when he went on Crossfire.

Atom said...

Testicular Fortitude my friends, Testicular Fortitude. Cramers got it. All-in-all Jon Stewart made some amazing points. 'Nough said.

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