Thursday, March 19, 2009

Michael Steele, you be da man!


I have been wanting to do a post on Michael Steele for awhile. Steele is the new chairman of the Republican National Committee. He is one of my favorite politicians, but for all the wrong reasons.

For one thing, he is an absolutely awful chairman. Many people are already calling for his resignation. Upon being selected, he pretty much fired everyone at the RNC. The awesome part is that he hasn't bothered replacing anyone. He is pretty much a one man show right now.

The real reason I like him, however, is that he produces some of the best quotes ever.

We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the Conservative Party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-suburban hip-hop settings...I want hip-hop Republicans. I want Frank Sinatra Republicans.
Classic. I'm not sure of the context for this next quote, but here it is:
The American public doesn't have that kind of bling bling in their pockets.
I see the hip-hop strategy is working. I feel myself converting to Republicanism. He is also very up-to-date with the current pop culture lingo:
(In reference to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, an Indian-American)
Give some slum love out to my buddy, Gov.
He is also a very good debater:
When asked if he favors civil unions:
No, no no. What would we do that for? What are you crazy?
What this administration is talking about is creating work.
Interviewer: That's a job!
No, no it's not a job!
I love this man. They may come out with a new bromance movie soon starring Michael Steele and Kyle Krym, full of incredibly cool hip-hop terminology, while still presenting the change (or lack thereof) we need in America.

By the way, Steele also has a fascination with the word "baby." He uses it very often.
Let's get to work baby! (I believe this was his acceptance speech)

Sure, baby, I'll consider anything! (Said on Fox News)

Drill, baby, drill! (At the Republican National Convention. I couldn't believe it. It was Michael Steele who came up with that annoying phrase. It all makes sense now.)
This last video is possibly my new favorite video on youtube. I hope Kavi watches it in the library or somewhere else where people can give him strange looks when he starts laughing.

Have a good day, baby!

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