Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Not Over Yet

All was well. Jim Cramer had humbly accepted Jon Stewart's beatdown Thursday night, which you can also view here. Cramer agreed that CNBC failed in many ways, and Jon Stewart got a nice ratings boost. The world had a nice laugh laugh and moved on. Except for one sad, pathetic man.

Tucker Carlson! Former anchor of CNN's "Crossfire" and former anchor of MSNBC's "Tucker." Both were cancelled. Tucker has a beef with Jon Stewart because of Stewart's famous "Crossfire" appearance, where he ripped the gap-toothed Ron Paul-ite apart. Many attribute the show's cancellation to Stewart's brilliant dissection of it's ineptitude. Watch the hilarious video below:

This Sunday-morning talk show, Tucker whined to the panel that Stewart is a "partisan hack" and a bunch of other nonsense.

Tucker's argument is inherently flawed. Stewart began his CNBC coverage because of Rick Santelli's outburst, not because of Jim Cramer. This blog has driven in this point previously. Stewart directed his attack at Cramer because Cramer was the one who directly criticized him and "The Daily Show." So Tucker Carlson is an idiot. Big surprise. He's just bitter over getting his show and career ruined. And Jon Stewart is allowed to be a "partisan hack." He's a COMEDIAN. He doesn't pretend to be a political analyst. That's why his show is on Comedy Central.

Enough of this coverage. I promise this will be the last post.

"I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy."


Krym de la Krym said...

Tucker Carlson really is one of the worst people I've ever seen on a news show. He is even worse than Alan Colmes.

Anonymous said...

Tucker again! what a dumbAAAS, that goodness stephanie miller calls him out when he tries to spin stewart. I've never heard more shit come from some ones mouth if you've watched the second part as well.
stewart calls people out and does so with majestic comedic grace. Thank goodness the news networks have something to fear finally.

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