Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama Approval Ratings

SurveyUSA has job approval ratings for Obama in 14 states.

1/20-21/09; 600 adults, 4% margin of error (for each state)
Mode: IVR

14-States Job Approvals

Alabama: 60%
California: 77%
Iowa: 68%
Kansas: 62%
Kentucky: 62%
Massachusetts: 78%
Minnesota: 64%
Missouri: 65%
New Mexico: 65%
New York: 78%
Oregon: 68%
Virginia: 62%
Washington: 69%
Wisconsin: 70%

While obviously Obama has been in office less than a week at this point and these numbers most likely won't stay this high...

These numbers are great. Obama has a pretty clear mandate right now. Republicans may not be wise to prevent this stimulus package right now.

Have a good day!

1 comment:

Mr. Endres said...

Just because Obama has a high approval rating does not mean that his every whim needs to be passed through Congress and into law. While he may have the support of most Americans, the majority of Americans do not know what they are talking about, especially when it comes to economics. Plain and simple. I would almost go so far as to count their support of his plan as a negative aspect of the plan itself.

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