Sorry this is a day late, but I forgot to post it yesterday. El Rushbo keeps talking out of his rear. Yesterday I was woken up to his soothing voice saying, "Obama loves anti-American, authoritarian leaders. That's just a fact, folks!"
It cracks me up whenever Rush Limbaugh says something is a fact. He says it every time after something ludicrous, as if by saying it is fact it will magically become a fact.
Limbaugh was talking about the current situation in Honduras, in which a military led coup was completed removing President Zelaya from power. Zelaya was allowed to escape the country and go to Costa Rica. The coup took place because he had political enemies who: 1) hated him, and 2) believed he was being unconstitutional by issuing a non-binding survey of some sort that had something to do with him wanting to have another term of office as President, which isn't allowed under the Honduran constitution. As you can see, I am hazy on those details, but he had taken no actual step towards enabling himself to have another term, so I'm not sure if that is in violation of the constitution or not, but I know that a coup sure of hell is.
Now the United States, the neighboring Central American countries, and now the United Nations have all denounced the coup and only recognize Zelaya as the true leader of Honduras. Adding to the intensity is the news that Zelaya is promising to return to Honduras on Thursday. The Attorney General Luis Alberto Rubi said Zelaya will be arrested as soon as he takes a step in the country and will face 20 years in prison for "numerous charges."
Here to tell us more is Brown Paper, White Paper Senior Analyst and friend of the show Jon Stewart!!!
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So Limbaugh referred to Zelaya as an anti-American, authoritarian leader who Obama loves. Classic. Obviously he hadn't seen this picture of Zelaya wearing a cowboy hat, because nothing is more pro-American than a cowboy hat.

I am an American investor living in Honduras right now and you are obviously talking out of your rear end.
I am not defending Rush Limbaugh but rather the decisions made by the Government of Honduras to remove Manuel Zelaya from the country and the presidency.
Section 239 of the Honduran constitution places four year term limits on the office of the presidency. This sounds conservative by most standards but was deemed necessary after decades of military coups throughout the region. That same section also states that the president is not able to initiate votes or polls regarding constitutional change. That is the preserve of the Congress.
If the US president acted against the constitution in order to hold onto power indefinitely, would you expect the other political players, including the electorate to stand aside and let it happen?
Bahahaha, about time.
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