Okay, I haven't actually read this book, but I'll share a review of it with you.
The O'Reilly Factor For Kids is a scattershot guide to all the things O'Reilly thinks kids should do: toughen up, buck "the self-esteem police," ignore stereotypes, stop listening to rap music, and allow Chuck Knoblauch (!) to serve as an inspirational example.O'Reilley would pick Chuck Knoblauch, one of my least favorite baseball players of all time. The book apparently gets even better. He defines pinheads and smart operators.
O'Reilly also:
* Calls teenagers "kids," which is exactly the way to reach them.
* Recalls the one time he ever bullied someone. (O'Reilly was in Little League.)
* Warns, "Girls, some guys will tell you anything to get the sex thing going."
* Boasts he has never been "drunk or stoned."
* Complains of "attacks" against him by "religious maniacs."
* Demonstrates a sparkling comic gift: "Every teacher you have is kind, smart, hardworking, and trustworthy. Sure, and I'm Brad Pitt."
* Says "I didn't have sex until I was twenty years old! Can you believe it? I was kind of a shy guy around girls, and I had absolutely no 'moves.'"
"A Pinhead is a kid who shoplifts."New game, who can use the word "butt" in every other sentence? Seems like an adequate challenge for a college student.
"A Smart Operator remembers the birthdays of friends and family members."
"A Smart Operator is a kid who looks past her neighborhood, town, state and country to see the world outside."
"A Pinhead is a kid who finds a way to use the word 'butt' in every other sentence, especially when shouting in the halls at school."
I ask the question, is O'Reilly really the best person to be instructing our kids how to behave? Let us all watch him flip out in this next video. WARNING: Adult language is used, and by the looks of it O'Reilly is very much an adult.
Haha, here is a dance remix of the previous video. Also swearing in this one.
Have a great day.
Why does the one in the video have brown eyes, but the picture on the book has blue eyes? Just curious if you know. I've seen other pictures and it definitely looks like him but one has blue eyes and the other has brown. I don't know if he had eye surgery or what, or if they can even do that, haha.
haha, definitely wasn't something I had noticed. They can "change" eye color through colored contacts I think, but I have no idea. I'm guessing they just changed it on the book cover.
Yea, that's what I thought too, I just thought it was really interesting...
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