Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is Obama Being Hypocritical?

Yes, he most certainly is.

“Shortly after taking office, President Barack Obama issued ethics requirements prohibiting individuals from working for government agencies they have lobbied in the past two years.”
Good requirement in my mind. I’m glad he put it in place. There is a conflict of interest.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The man nominated to be the Pentagon's second-in-command [William J. Lynn] could make at least a half-million dollars next month with vested stock he earned as a lobbyist for military contractor Raytheon.
Wait, Obama nominated a lobbyist?
As a Raytheon lobbyist, Lynn worked on matters with far reach across the Pentagon, including contracting policy, the military's use of space, missile defense, munitions and artillery, sensors and radars, and advanced technology programs.
Obviously due to Obama’s new requirements, Lynn can’t take office…right?
But last week, the Obama administration gave the Senate Armed Services Committee a waiver exempting Lynn from two specific sections: a two-year prohibition on employees from participating in decisions related to their former employers and a more specific section banning individuals from taking jobs in the agencies they recently lobbied.

Instead, Lynn's dealings at the Defense Department will be subject to ethics reviews for one year.”
D'oh! What the hell? Tssk tssk Obama. I’m not very happy that you went against your own regulation. Carl Levin voiced his approval for Lynn. McCain isn’t very happy with the ethics violation. I have McCain’s back on this one.

Have a good day.


Atom said...

Boosh, that's fair, not just because it slams Obama, but because it also supports my point that the government is corrupt. As in, "Lets make exceptions for everyone I know."

Mr. Endres said...

Wow. I'm actually agreeing with both McCain, the resident anarchist, and a liberal. Wow.

Atom said...

Is that three people? So it should be more than 'both' I'm just curious.

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