Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cold Souls Review

"Cold Souls" is this art-house existential comedy that you'll probably never watch. But here's my review of it:

“Is your soul weighing you down?” asks an advertisement in the pages of a Yellow Book in “Cold Souls.” For actor Paul Giamatti (TV’s “John Adams”), who plays a fictional version of himself, the answer is yes.

Starring in a production of Chekov’s play “Uncle Vanya,” Giamatti feels that he can no longer separate himself from the intensely melancholic character he is playing, which he thinks is causing him physical and emotional strife. His solution, of course, is to undergo the newly popular procedure to “desoul” the body — literally extracting one’s soul out and placing it into a glass jar. Soon enough, Giamatti wants his soul back, only to realize that it has been stolen by a member of an elaborate Russian “soul-trafficking” operation.

Check out the full review here.


Tony said...

I want to watch this now

Kavi Pandey said...

Yeah you would dig it

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